Take Me Home

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"She's a noob" Thor says meaning he doesn't think I can fight as I am a new addition to the team

"Wanna bet? I bet I could floor you within less then a minute" I say making him laugh

"Oh yeah, I'd like to see you try" he says so I walk over to the boxing ring

"What are you waiting for? Let go" I say as he hasn't moved

"I don't fight girls, specially hot ones" he says but comes over to me in the ring

"Then I guess it's going to be one sided" I say befire flooring his ass within less then half a minute

"Still want to take me home?" I ask him as I step on his chest so he can't get him

"Let's go on a date" he says but I chuckle

"Sorry mate, you're not my type" I say before removing my leg off of him and getting out the ring

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