Mother Instincts 3

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Morgan was crying again and I knew what was wrong this time she just wanted to have attention as Tony is working on his suit down stairs as he asked me to look after her for a little bit longer so I said I would I'm next to her crib that she is in and we both are in the lounge and I think we are alone so I lean over to her and gently rock the crib with one hand gently tapping her tummy as I sign and think of the song my mother use to sing to me

"Soft kitty, warm kitty" she is listening to me so I continue "little ball of fur" she looks up at me quieting down as I continue "happy kitty, tired kitty" I see her smile "purr purr purr" I finish singing and stroke her cheek a little and she closes her eyes with a small smile on her face which makes me smile in return seeing her looking so peaceful and I gently rock the crib slowly sending her to sleep

"You have a nice singing voice" I look over towards the voice and see Natasha and Wanda have been standing by the door way but I look away and I pull my hand out of the crib as it continues to rock Morgan gently who is sleeping "hmmm, thanks" I mumble before going back to what I was going which was reading a book that is on my lap not knowing if they saw me smiling at the baby


"Hey, y/n" I don't respond "y/n" I feel a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me ever so slightly making me frowns an wake up so I open my eyes and see Pepper standing over me and she smiles "hey sorry to wake you but mind if I take her now?" She asks making me remember about Morgan so I look down at my chest and see her sleeping comfortably on my chest on her tummy as she wouldn't stop crying so I cuddled with her while laying down on my back but must of ended up falling asleep "oh... Uh yeah, take your potato" I say as I put an arm around the baby and sit up before handing her to her mother who takes her "Tony told me you was a big help, thank you" Pepper says making me nod still half asleep but she walks away

I rub my eyes and then look around to see Nat and Wanda still in the room "what time is it? How long was I asleep for?" I ask as they are both looking over at me with these soft and gentle smiles on thier faces "you both have been asleep for half the day" Natasha informs me "you both must really love cuddling with one another plus you both seemed very comfortable too" Wanda smirks and it makes me think that they have been watching over us while we sleep "oh... Hmm" is all I say as I do feel well rested after that nap but still tired

"Why are you only soft to children? Like you only smile at them and only let them touch you why not other people like friends?" Wanda asks making me look over at them seeing they are both looking back at me "I... Uh..." I pause and look away "children don't do me dirty like older people can, plus children just understand and don't judge, betray or hurt me like others" I answer before I feel like I should get to bed so I stand up feeling my muscles stretch as I do

"What does that mean?" Natasha asks as I walk over to the door so I stop and look at them "it means I just connect with them more easily than adults because it's just instant... With adults they have to build a connection, get to know me, earn my trust so I know they won't hurt me but... That's the thing... I got hurt so many times that I now have trust issues" I explain to them and they take in the newly gathered information that I have just given so I leave them to think about what I had just said and go to my room to get some sleep

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