Hand Reader

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"I'm a monster... You know that" Nat says making me frown at her comment and my arms fall to my side as I walk over to her "who told you that?" I ask wanting to bury who ever told her that or has made her believe that "look at me" she says and I can see she is hurting on the inside making me shake my head in disbelief of her thinking this about her beautiful self

"Don't say that babe" I say as I get to her and I put my hand out "let me see your hand" I say making her confused "what? Why?" "Just let me have a look" I say so she gives me her hand and I look down at it and start reading her palm to her

"Hmmm... A long life line" I say point out one line that's her life line and she looks at her hand as I look at the other lines "oh, this one means that you are shy" I say and she is when we doesn't know someone that well and she doesn't open up

"Hmmm..." I hum again with a confused face I hum again with sure tone and tilt my head "well that funny" I say looking at her hand "what?" She asks making me look up at her "I don't see any" I say making her frown a little "any what?" She asks as I lift my other hand onto my girlfriends face and give her a soft smile

"Monster lines" I tell her looking into her green grassy emeralds eyes "not a single one" I add as I don't see any "don't you say that you're a monster because to your palm and I... You are no monster Natasha" I say as she leans into my hand and places one of her hands over mine and places a kiss on the palm of my hand making me smile

"Thank you" she says with a quiet tone but I slowly shake my head "you don't have to thank me babe" I say as I then pull her into me and hug her so she hugs back as I kiss her forehead and firmly hold her in my arms until she starts to feel better but she holds onto me for a while so I have a feeling she needs more time so I slowly and gently lead us over to the bed to cuddle

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