Mother Instincts 5

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I don't know if I'm being delusional or what but I think that me, Wanda and Nat have started to get closer but I don't know if I am seeing or thinking things or maybe I am right maybe we are getting closer because I was smiling at Nat not to long ago for playing with baby toys and I've opened up to them about being a mother I... I think I've started to take a liking towards these two woman...

"Hey y/n, you want to watch a movie with me and Nat?" I hear Wanda's voice come into play making me look up and see her standing at the door way seeing me reading a book on my bed "sorry no can do I'll watching Morgan for the night, Tony and Pepper are going to be a little late home tonight" I say nodding over to the crib in my room with a sleeping Morgan in it "oh it's okay we could always watch the movie in here?" She suggests makin me think about it and honestly I have started to enjoy spending time with them so I agree making her smiles and run of to get Nat

I end up in the middle of Nat and Wanda on my bed watching the film and some point throughout the movie we all hear Morgan groan and the start to cry so Wanda being the closes gets up and picks her up being her over to the bed and sitting back down and Morgan stops crying once she is picked up and held so she just wants cuddles with a bit of attention and I think Wanda knows this as that's what she does so we continue watching the movie but not long after the following Morgan starts crying again

Wanda tries to sooth her but it doesn't work which makes Wanda look at us both so I gesture for me to hold her so Wanda hands her over and I take a moment to see why she is crying and it takes a little while but I soon realized that she is teething, she still only has her gums so I let her chew on my finger to help and she quiets down as I hold her with my left arm as she bites down on my right index finger and I look up back at the movie and I see Nat looking down at Morgan with a small smile on her face out if the corner of my eye and Nat gently strokes Morgan's hair and the baby soon starts sucking while still biting on my finger but it doesn't faze me so I let her be knowing that she is falling to sleep

"Your mother instincts are really on point" Wanda says making me turn my head and look at her seeing her showing a soft smile "hmm I agree" Nat agrees making me look at her but then away from them and back at the screen but I think it's the perks of my powers or maybe not but I don't know "most probably my powers tha make them on point" I tell them and they both seem interested in the topic

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