Mother Instincts 4

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"Yeah it's no problem" I say making Pepper smile at my grateful as Tony and her leave for the conference meeting or something I'm not to sure but they asked me to look after Morgan as Happy isn't feeling well today and plus I'm sure I'll do a much better job at looking after her and honestly I don't mind I kind like spending time with Morgan she just gets me you know?

I walk to Morgan's room and open the door and walk over to the cot and look down seeing her kicking her legs around and swinging her arms around but then she seems me and smiles with a happy giggle or laugh making me smile as I think she has started to like me as we have gotten to know each other "come on potato, let's get you some brekkie in ya" I say quietly so only she and I can hear and I lean over and pick her up as she has been growing a long and it's been a couple of months since I've last spend a day with her but I've have taken care of her ever now and then but today we have a full day together and she has started eating baby food so that what I am getting now as I put her in the high chair and grab the baby spoon and food before also grabbing the wet wipes and sitting down next to her

"Apple and banana aye?... Lovely" I say and I take the lid off and put it down as I start feeding her and I'll have to dress her after this but I didn't see a point of dressing her before breakfast as her clothes probably just get messy so I help her eat her breakfast "morning" I hear making me turn my head and see the rest of the Avengers have come into the lounge / kitchen and Steve has started making coffee while Thor makes food with the toaster while Wanda and Nat also do thier own thing so I look back at Morgan as I speak "morning" "where's Tony and Pepper?" Steve asks taking note that they aren't here so I inform them what they are doing and that Pepper asked me to take care of Morgan for the day

After Morgan was full I clean her with the wipes before cleaning her high chair as well as putting the food away and picking her up and take her back to her room where I changer her nappie before getting her dresses and I do that and then start making my way to my room but on the way she pukes on me... Great... Just what I needed... I hold her out in front of me just looking at her with a unimpressed look on my face and she giggles at my expression "lovely... Just what I wanted" I tell her sarcastically as she suckes on her hands "need any help?" I hear making me look and see Wanda looking at me while trying not to laugh as Nat was the one who asked if I need help

"You know puke it one of the many things I don't miss at all" I tell them as Nat comes over and takes hold of Morgan from me "you go get cleaned up and were watch her for a bit" Wanda says making me nod grateful that I have them both to help so I go and get cleaned up with a quick shower so I don't smell like baby puke and clean clothes before I walk out of the bathroom and out of my room to go find them again and I see Wanda cooking while Nat is playing with Morgan and her toys but I think Nat is enjoying the toys more then the baby which makes a smile grow on my face unknowingly but quickly disappears as Wanda greets me seeing I have returned and have cleaned up

"Hey, food should be ready soon" Wanda says making Nat and I look over seeing her looking over at me so Nat follows her gaze and sees me so I just nod and walk further into the room and over to Nat and Morgan "at least I know what to get you from now on" I teasingly say to Nat meaning I saw her playing with the toys and seemingly was more interested in them than Morgan was making her smile "we all have a little kid inside of us somewhere" she says and I don't disagree with her because I believe we all do

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