Skillet Brownie

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Now I love to cook so when I have time around the compound I would do just that and today I have time as Wanda just sits from a far with Natasha so I figure out what I want to make before I make it obviously and they see me in the kitchen getting things ready and their interest grows as they see this

"What are you making this time?" Nat asks getting my attention so I look over at them "I guess your have to wait and see, why don't you come and help too" I tell them before going back to what I was doing as I get the bowls and the ingredients ready and obviously I'll be letting them try this one it is done so I start making it

Half a cup or as others says one stick of unsalted butter melted as I got wada to melt it for me but also some more for greasing skillet which I got Nat to do then I had put one cup white sugar and one quarter of a cup of unsweetened cocoa powder and one and a half teaspoons of vanilla extract and a quarter teaspoon of salt int a bowl and I mix that together before I add more ingredients and by this time Wanda and Nat are just watching and waiting for their next instructions as I know Wanda can cook and well Nat not so much but she is always up for learning so I just let them watch 

They both watch my every move with a curious look on their faces  "how did you learn to cook?" Wanda asks as I crack three large eggs and add one cup all-purpose flour and slide it over to Nat "can you mix that for me?" I say and she does just that as I walk away from them and over to a cupboard and reach up to grab the chocolate chips out of it "I'm self taught" I answer Wanda as I walk back over to the seeing Nat has done what I asked so we but it in the cooking pan before I add one cup of chocolate chips and mush them into the mixture

I have preheated the oven to 350°F and Nat had grease a cooking dish with butter before putting the mixture into the dish so I take it over to the oven and bending down opening the oven door and putting the skillet in the oven before closing it and turing around on my heels to see Wanda and Nats head tilted to they side making me tilt my had as they straighten their quickly and look away making me realize what they was looking at and smile shyly to myself before turning back round remembering to grab the timer of the side and setting the timer

It will bake for 30 to 34 minutes until the center is just set and so it is done but for that time being me, Nat and Wanda just talk as they try to get me to tell the what I am cooking but I don't give in as I grab another bowl a large one and whisk together the melted butter, sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla and salt then add the eggs one at a time, whisking between each addition I then also fold in the flour and chocolate chips just until the flour is combined as I get Wanda to mix it properly

After that I ask Nat to transfer the batter into the greased skillet, smoothing it into an even layer and she does as asked so then I get them both to sprinkle some additional chocolate chips on top before I put it in the oven under the other one and then start to clean up the mess left around and wash up and everything else and by the time I am done with the help of Nat and Wanda as Nat out things away Wanda wiped down the side and I washed up the timer goes off

I remove the skillet from the oven with oven mittens obviously and then set the chocolate skillet brownie down in front of them and oh boy it smells heavenly but I'm not done just yet as I serve three pieces and put them in a bowl each as they all have the melted chocolate buttons slowly easing out of them so topping the skillet brownies with ice cream and chocolate syrup and then immediately serve it to them with their own cutlery already in the bowls

I wait patiently for them to try it and I see Nat smile happy and Wanda moan in satisfaction "oh wow" Nat express the delight in her tone and looks at Wanda who looks at Nat and nods in content "right" Wanda says with a pleased look on her face as they then both look at me "I take it, it's good" I utter and they both nod enjoying their skillet brownie with melted ice cream and chocolate syrup on top so I try it myself and oh boy I have out done myself this time around but I love it

"Mmm okay, I officially love myself... Tell you what if I could marry myself... I would" I say and Wanda giggles but nods and Nat smirks "will you marry us instead?" I couldn't tell if she was going or not because she was looking me directly in my eyes when she said this but I just smile with a blush on my face "I wouldn't say no" I say turning around to get the either cookie dough like skillet out of the oven that I turn off as I do this

I set that one down and it smells just as tasty "I say what is that devine scent of irresistible delights?" Thors voices comes into the door and sees that I have been cooking and smiles as the smell got stronger once he came into the room "Thor you have to try this y/n made it" Wanda says gesturing for him to come over so he does

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