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"You lower me out from the shadows, now you've come to kill me but you couldn't even do that." I laugh sarcastically "I mean come on what did you think was going to happen?" I say to them as they are all out of breath and some are unconscious and on the floor the only one standing left is Wanda as she is the strongest

"My father tried to kill me and failed so now he is dead... My own mother thought I was a monster, so she disowned me" I say and Wanda frowns "I'm sorry" she says but I give her a smile

"She was right of course but it still hurt." I speak up with a uncaring tone and she frowns at this

"You can't kill what is already dead love" I tell her and she knows this as I lift up the blade looking at her

"Maybe not..." She says as I start to walk towards her "But we can change you" she says and I didn't expect that to come from her...

"What?" I ask as I stop where I am looking at her "you said it so yourself... You mother disowned you, you father tried to kill you" she says as Nat and Steve start to get up on their feet

"You have no family" she continues but this make me mad so I step forward closer to her "but! You can have a new family... A family you make and a family that will love you" she defend herself making me stop yet again as Nat and Steve get to her side

"You really think I'm that stupid? Just so the so called family can betray me and break my heart all over again!" She could tell this is winding me up and the rest of the avengers start to wake up

"No we won't, Nat was once the enemy and so was I as well as Thor... But we are a family and family protected, love and trust each other" Wanda says making me slowly lower the blade looking at her

"You can be apart of this family too" Nat says making my eyes land on her eyes "what makes you think I want to be apart of your little club?" I ask and she steps forward getting a little closer to me

"Because we all know that deep down... You're hurting and you're afraid to let anyone else in after what happened to you, you have a right to be angry with all those people that hurt you... But not us... We are only trying to help... So let us help you" she says and I don't know how they know all this but it's true... I am hurt...

I've been blocking everything and everyone out for so long I forgot what it is like to feel anymore... Maybe it's time to let them walls down... But only over time... I lower the blade looking at it before taking a breath and then throw it to the side and look back up at them

"So where do we go from here?" I ask and Wanda smiles sweetly before looking at Nat "we go to the compound and talk things over" she informs me and I roll my eyes "oh yay more talking... Is it too late to pick the blade back up?" I ask looking to see Spiderman holding it and I raise an eyebrow at him

"Please don't change your mind and kill me... I'm to young to die" he says making me tilt my head "you're just a boy" I say as he then take off his mask and looks at me

"I'm Peter... Peter Parker" he say making me hum in response "what's your name?" He asks making me look away from him

"Wow, you all came after me and you don't even know my name" I say and cross my arms looking at them all "we know your last name but not your first" Steve says making me half smile

"Shame I know all of your names aye?" I say before looking back at Peter "you can call me y/n" I say and he smiles at me "it's nice to meet you y/n" he says as I uncross my arms

"Likewise, spider-boy" I reply and he smiles and looks at the others so I look at them too woundering where all of this will go and how it will end up

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