The Odds

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Nat isn't feeling so good mentally so it is my job to change that so I have to tell her something as she is so low.. And I mean... Low... It hurts to see my girlfriend like this... It really does...

I'm next to her in her room as she is cuddling me crying saying she isn't good enough and she doesn't think she it isn't worth living... She says that she hate somethings she has to do because they make her unhappy...

"1-in 8 million" I say making her sniff and look up at me so I look at her and see her eyes are red and puffy "what?" She asks as I brush a strange of her hair back

"The odds of winning the national lottery... But you still buy tickets" I say and she looks a little confused

"Y/-" "1-in 3.7 million" I add as she just listens to what I am telling her

"The odds of you being in a plane crash but you still a board the plane" I say as I wipe her tears away

"1-in 4000... The odds of you being in the car crash but you still drive" I say as I kiss her cheek

"1-in 4 trillion... The odds of you actually existing" I say rubbing her back smoothly "and you still sit here and question whether your life is worth living or whether you're good enough for people and you continue to sit there and do things that make you unhappy" I say and she looks down

"It's not time to go... It's time to start living... Because you being born is absolute blessing, its time we start taking advantage of the time we have on this earth" I say and she looks back up at me looking a little happier "I love you" she says making me smile "I love you to baby" I say as she kisses me softly before putting her head back down on my chest and I hold her like it is the last time I'll hold her

She is always so strong around others but me... She said she always feel comfortable around me like she can finally be herself so I embrace her best and worst side of because I love everything about her.

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