Apple Tree

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"I just want them to admit to the fact that they're a bad parent" I speak up looking around the room at my best friend Wanda and my girlfriend Nat along with the Avengers and sister Lauren... Oh and God as he is known by many but to me it is dad...

"Although, maybe that's a part of the reason he was a bad father... Lauren and I don't agree on much but... The one thing that we all have in common is you..." I say looking at dad "dad" I add as he looks at me with a sorrow full look

"And how much you screwed us all up" I speak the truth and always have done so he knows this is how I see everything and this is how I feel as I am his first creation after all "I mean if all the apples are bad..." I take a breath looking at the floor "maybe it's the tree that's the problem" I say this looking into his eyes but I don't see much love at all... Not any...

"I'm sorry you feel that way Y/n," dad says with a smooth tone and a bit of silence falls into place before he speaks up again "all I ever wanted was to empower you," he says making me look away with a little shake to my head

"I want to ask you one simple question and get one simple answer a confession if you will?" I say as Lauren looks at him "dad you don't have to do this" Lauren says but we all know he will "what's your question Y/n?" he asks making everyone look at me waiting for me to ask it "dad... Do you love us?" I ask and look at him waiting for an answer

"If I had to tell you then I really have failed," he says... he didn't say he loves us... Thunder comes from the distance and I think everyone knows it is the sound of my heart breaking and I look down at the ground with an unreadable expression "a no then" I say and Wanda looks at me and frowns seeing my eyes getting glossy "that's not what he said" she tires making me look at her showing the tears in my eyes

"Well he didn't say yes did he?..." I come out with a harsher tone than I was going for "you know what I would do if I don't want to lie?" I say still hearing thunder getting closer "I don't answer the question," I say looking away as a few tears fall from my eyes but I wipe them looking back at dad who isn't crying and doesn't look sad either...

"You know it's funny, I thought this moment would give me some catharsis..." I speak up looking at him "but instead it's just made me realize one simple truth..." I will tell him this even if he doesn't want to hear it "that you will never love us... Because you're incapable of love" I say and he looks away from me as I shake my head

"And that's just sad," I say and it is sad and I'm sure everyone else would agree "for all of us" I look towards Lauren and see that I was right all along after confronting him about it but I leave everyone with that and exit the building as it stats to rain and lightening also starts to appear as I just walk home in the rain letting my clothes get soaked through as I walk down the street making my way home

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