Mother Instincts 1

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Y/n pov

I said to myself that I wouldn't get involved because it will just remind me of my past but my powers draw me in as I can hear the baby crying from here and it has been going on for a little while now I don't think Tony knows what to do as he is new to this whole parenting thing so I follow the cries and find him trying to rock Morgan to sleep in her crib in the lounge where the rest of the Avengers are and I see Tony sign in frustration "maybe she's hungry?" Steve suggests so Tony gets up and goes to he kitchen to get a bottle but I don't think that is the problem so I walk over to the crib to the crying baby without anyone noticing and take a little moment to look at the baby bending down over to the baby getting a closer look at them and I can feel eyes on me or rather my body I'm not sure but I also feeling my powers get to work on telling what the baby wants in this moment and time

She isn't hungry she just wants to be held so I pick her up carefully in my arms and craddle her softly swaying side to side "shhh, it okay" I turn my back and soft hum a song my mother use to sing to me called soft kitty and soon enough she starts to quiet down making me smile down at her making sure no one can see it "there we go" I say as I make sure my blank expression is back on my face as I turn back around and look to find all of the Avengers looking at me in disbelief as I've never shown a soft side before I'm always neutral

"She just wanted to be held" I inform them and I see Natasha smile softly while Wanda tilts her head in curiousity and I look back down to see Morgan sleeping and Tony walks over to me seeing she is asleep so I hand her to him so he takes her but looks at me "how did you know?" He asks as I pull my hands away after he took her and I have to think of an excuse but I can't come up with one "I... I just do" I say before looking away and slowly turning around but he gently grabs my arm making me look at him

"Thank you" he says making me give him a single nod before walking away and out of the room now having the baby sleeping so it is peaceful and quiet thank god I know how to deal with children if not I don't think Tony would of figured it out

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