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"Knowledge is power." Tony says making me frown as we are in my castle and I stand up from my throne looking at him knowing that I am about to prove him wrong

"Seize them" I speak and my guards instantly do as they are told and the avengers are taken back by the actions of my words but they know they are out numbered so the best option for them is to not fight back especially not in my kingdom

"Cut their throats" I demand and they go to do so "Stop it, oh wait..." I say making my guards stop "I changed my mind..." I say looking at them all and they are just looking at me an easy of what I will do

"Let them go..." I say and they let them go

"Step back three paces..." I add and all my guards step back three paces

"Turn around..." I command and they all turn around so thier backs are facing the avengers

"Close your eyes..." I say and I see them do as they are told as I walk closer to the avengers who look a little scared of me

"Power is power." I tell them firmly satisfied that I proved them wrong and they now know not to question it "don't get that confused" I speak firmly to them and now they know not to test me again.

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