How's Life

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"Hey mate, how's life?" Tony asks as I just walked into the open living room where everyone is while I walk to the kitchen that is connected to the living room

"I don't know, it's alright..." I say and he keeps looking at me meaning he knows something is up and they all seem to know something is up so let them know

"I've been dealing with some things like every human being and really didn't sleep much last night" I say

"I'm sorry" Nat says as she is usually here to help me get to sleep but it is hard with insomnia

"That's fine" I say but she doesn't believe that's all that is wrong so I let it out

"I just think I need a little me time,
I just think I need a little free time
little break from the missions and team" I say and she slowly nods in understanding as I've been through a lot lately but other things come to my mind

"Last year I had a breakdown
thoughts telling me I'm lost getting too loud." I wasn't looking at them when I say this but I know they are listening to me as I make myself a hot drink

"I had to see a therapist then I found out, something funny's going on up in my house." I inform them as the kettle finishes

"What do you mean? something unnatural?" Wanda asks so I look at them pausing what I am doing

"Yeah, started thinking maybe I should move out, you know pack my car take a new route, clean up my yard get the noose out, hang up my heart let it air out." They all look at me in shock but I doesn't faze me so I just go back to what I was doing before walking out of the room back to my own.

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