No is a...

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The Avengers and I are playing truth and dare and it's all fun and games having a good time as it comes my turn "truth" I say as last time I did dare so "if you had kids what you would tell them?" Steve asks and that's a good question...

Everyone is looking at me waiting for me to answer "uhmm... Okay" I say as I think about it and what I would say "the most important ones would be that" I pause as I think of a few "no is a full sentence, context is hot rape is not and I'd love them not matter what" I say looking around at them

They all seem happy to agree with me as Wanda looks at Nat who is looking at me with an unreasonable expression but I can tell she also agrees with what I said "no is a full sentence... I really like that" Wanda says making me smile softly with a light nod

(A/n that's it y'all this is the end of this book but who knows maybe if this book does really well I make a vol.2 but for now thank you for your support and I love y'all xoxo-Lara)

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