Fluff Glasses

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(A/n aye yo I'm lot for ideas so anything that pops up in y'all minds I'll be grateful to hear about it because I absolutely love writing these so anything that y'all can get me in on I'll appreciate, thanks xoxo -Lara)

It's my day off today so I get to stay at home and my girlfriends are going to turn up at anytime to stay for a few nights and this is the first time we all have a day off together and as usual I put my glasses on indeed of my contacts today as I only wear them when I am working so this might be the first time my girlfriends will see me in them but I know my eyes need a break from the contacts so today is that day

I'm in my comfy clothes too so sweatpants and a non zip hoodie with no bra and fluffy socks obviously and no I'm not wearing a shirt either as some shirt hurt my nipples when they rub against them and they are sensitive so I don't wear a shirt but a hoodie instead and I've always done this on my lazy days or days off like now plus it's what I like to do and always have done

A knock at the door bring me out of thought so I stand up from the sofa and make my way over to the door and unlock it before opening it seeing my two girlfriends absolutely looking as beautiful as ever "hey baby" "hey babe" they both say and look over at me so I smile letting them in and Wanda comes in and kisses me as a hello so I return it "since when do you wear glasses?" She asks as she pulls away and Nat walks in "since forever, I just wear contact lenses when I work" I answer as Nat look down at me so I look at her as see this smile form on her face as I close the door "cute" she says before kissing me and I blush at her comment "thanks" I mumble as we get along with our day with cuddle on the couch and binge watch crappy old films until our eyes are to heavy to keep open

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