Numb, Drowning

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I drowned but I was resuscitated so the last few days I haven't been myself and the avengers can tell by me being so quiet

"Y/n?" Nat my girlfriend asks

"You know what's wroser then feeling numb?" I ask her as they all listen to me and this is the first time I've spoken out loud to them all

"Feeling like your drowning, like not matter what you do you can't keep your head above the water..." I open up not being able to keep it all bottled up

"Because every time you breathe..." I pause and look at her "You can feel the fire fill your lungs." I add and I can see the worry in her eyes so I look away

"When your drowning you don't usually inhale until right before you black out" I tell them as they stay quiet listening to me

"The instinct of not letting any water in is so strong that you won't open your mouth until it feels like your head is exploding... That is when you do finally let it in that then it stops hurting..." I say

"Oh y/n" Wanda says

"I'm fine... I'm fine" I say before getting up and going to my room.

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