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I look around at all of the avenger as them voices in my head start to speak up again...

'They're not your friends just because you joke with them and laugh with them people pretend so easily and all you have to do is walk out this room and out of their lives and then you're know if they're real friend or not because they're not going to stick by you much longer they won't come searching for you...'

What I didn't know was that Wanda was reading my mind...

Wanda POV

Why does she think all of these things...

'Just like everyone else they always leave you in the dirt like your nothing but a hay ball rolling In the wind'

I frowns at her thoughts but it goes unnoticed by her as she stares out into thin air

'if I die, would anyone care? would they really care? maybe they'll cry for a day... But let's be honest... No one will give a shit... They wouldn't'

I couldn't take it anymore as I stand up and starts walking over to her not being about to let her sit there and think all of these things

'I just need a hug.'

I hear that and once I gets to her I hug her and she is confused as to why I am hugging her but she quickly realised that I was reading her mind witch makes her hug me back and quietly break down crying in my arms as the avengers just look over at us wondering what is wrong but I'm dealing with y/n first before I even think about them.

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