Angel Before Dying 2

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I knew it was only a matter of time until they found me so here we are "who's soul did you use?" Nat asks as Wanda and I are in my hotel room after she came to check on me but Nat just walked through the door

"Nat" Wanda tried to speak but Nat isn't having it "who's soul!?" Nat asks making me flinch at her harsh tone and she frowns at this reaction but I tell her what she wants to know "my own" I obey by answering her and she steps back once I said it "what?" She asks calming down "I... Used my own" I tell her again and Wanda looks at me "I tired to tell you" Wanda says as she then looks at Nat speaking to her

Nat looks down at the floor "why?" She asks making me look down not wanting to tell her "anyone would of done it for the same reason you did" I cover up not looking at her and she look at Wanda who is looking at me knowing the real reason but Nat accepts this as an answer

"I'm sorry I didn't let you explain... And that I shouted" she says probably remembering the way I flinched at her voice "you're not mad?" I ask and she shakes her head "you were doing what you thought was right even if it meant getting kicked out of heaven... I can't be mad at you for that... I was mad because you switched my soul out for someone else's" she explains and I go to speak but she says something else

"You still shouldn't of switched mine for your soul... You don't deserve to be in this mess" she says and Wanda looks at me "wait, if you have no soul... How are you still here?" Wanda asks making me look at her "I switched the souls while I was in heaven... How else do you think I got here" I say which they now understand "so that why you got kicked out?" Wanda asks but I didn't get kicked out

"Well more like... Banished" I say which makes them look at me with a look of 'seriously' and 'what' which makes me look away "so you can't go back there?" Nat ask and I shake my head no as I can't "so you really could be immortal" Wanda says making me shrug "I don't know but it's a possiblity" I say as I really don't know but I have died and have no soul so... Am I already dead?

Wanda frowns and touches my neck making me frown and look at her as she holds this position "what are you doing?" I ask and Nat looks at me "she's checking your pulse" Nat says so I check myself and see I do have a heart beat so I look at Wanda as she moves her hand onto my head "what now?" I say as she turns her hand over on my forehead "Wanda?" I say as I still a little confused about her actions

"I think she is taking your temperature" Nat says making me push Wanda's hand away from me and put it down on her lap "you have a heart beat and you have body warmth so I don't think you're dead" Wanda explains "but you have died before and have no soul..." She then adds making Nat look at me with the same look Wanda has on her face

"Okay?" I say or ask still confused with what she is trying to say "can I try something?" She asks making me suspect the worse "no" I say making her roll her eyes "I want to see if I can find your past life to see if we can get any answers" she says making me back up a little "isn't that a bad idea?" I say and Nat smirks

"Since when are you not up for bad ideas?" Nat says making me pull a face of 'oh yeah you're right' before looking at Wanda seeing I have agreed so she lifts her hands as her eyes turn red and she goes into my mind as I have nothing left to hide from her due to her knowing everything there is possible to know about me... I think...

"Will you stop thinking to yourself I can hear you" Wanda says making me look at her "sorry" I say looking down and Nat smiles and sits down on the chair next to the bed watching Wanda do her thing "there something there but... I can't reach it" she says and I can feel it but there is nothing I can do so Wanda stops and pulls out of my head "it was worth ago" Nat says and I nod

-back at the compound-

The building suddenly collapse with loud explosions ringing in our ears, Wanda makes a shield just in time to protect us from the heavy rubble as it stacks together around us and Wanda's shield disappears and we are a little cut and bruised but were alive for the most part...

"What the hell was that?" Wanda says and I can sense it's him again... "Thanos" I say as my light powers guide us to a way out where everyone else that was possibly in the build are under all this mess somewhere

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