Mother Instincts 2

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Again... Seriously what does this man not understand... Ugh but I get up from my bed and make my way through the cold hall and find him holding her rocking her in his arms and I see dumbys and milk bottles next to him and even see he has changed her nappie okay... So many she is trying to tell him something "maybe y/n could help?" Wanda says from the corner of the room not seeing that I am in the door way "I ain't asking her she scares me" Tony mumbles but I tap his shoulder making him turn and see me "oh y/n..." He says making Wanda look up as well as Nat seeing I am infact here

"Here, let me take the potato look alike" I say nodding towards Morgan and he hands her to me not caring about the nickname I gave her so I hold her gently and look down at her and soon figure out what is wrong so I fix it by covering her little exposed chest as it was cold and soon enough she stops crying "how do you do it? I don't understand" Tony says with shocked tone and I look up at him and I see Wanda has a tilt to her head again and Natasha has that smile from earlier "these things take time Tony, it doesn't just happen over night" I say as I walk over to the sofa that Wanda is sat on and sit down next to her holding Morgan close to me keeping her warm like she was asking as Tony sit down in his arm chair looking exhausted

"You look like shit" I say to him and he huffs "I feel like it she's been keeping me up all night and day" he say and I know Pepper is away on a business thing or what not so Tony said he would stay here to look after Morgan as Pepper had been doing everything and he said she needed a little break and that brings us to now... "Go get some rest potato maker, I'll keep an eye on your potato" I say looking back down at the child who seems content in my arms and he takes a moment but nods with a appreciative look on his face and gets up and leaves to go bed

"You seem to know what you're doing, I never knew you was so good with kids" Nat says making me look up and over at her but not for long as I hear a little yawn making me look so see Morgan closing her eyes after yawning "I like this side of you" Wanda says making me frowns upon the comment but I don't say anything about it "who knew that babies are your weakness" Nat comment making me roll my eyes "have you two finished?" I ask them and I don't think they have by the looks on their faces "but how do you do it?" Wanda asks making me slowly look up but in my own time

I'm pretty sure they know the answer to that already but I guess they want me to confirm it "I've had experience" I tell them and this peaks thier interest in this topic "oh? Like?" Nat seem to want to know every detail and I take a moment to think of my answer but I don't know what to answer with "why do you want to know?" I ask as they both have these looks on thier faces "because we hardly know anything about you and seeing this side of you makes us want to know you more, we're curious" Wanda answers making me frowns a little but I understand... Kinda

"Fine... My mother was good with children so she taught me a few things along with me being a succubus I can feel what they are feeling and I also..." This is hard for me to say but they want to know even if I'm not ready to say it I think it's time to let them know "am a mother" I speak and I see them both look taken back and dumfounded possibly not expecting that "or... Was" I say letting them know before they ask anything more of them and I see the surprise fade and a bit of saddened and sorrow wash over them "you was?" Wanda asks making me nod softly looking down at the sleeping baby on my chest

"Yes..." I don't know why I am opening up but... It actually feelings kinda... Good to speak about this for once so maybe I'll continue "I was a mother to a healthy baby boy" I let them know and I see Natasha look at Wanda who is still looking at me "what was his name?" Wanda asks making me inhale deeply but softly before lifting my head "Dani" I tell them and I see her smiled sweetly before I look away "if you don't mind me asking and you haven't got to answer but... What happened?" Natasha asks and I remember this day like it was yesterday... The pain... The horrible things that happened...

I think they could see my eyes watering from the memory and I am definitely not ready to tell anyone what happened "that's a story for another time" I say and then stand up with Morgan and walk out of the room taking a breath to calm my nerves as I go to my room

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