Don't Respect You

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"The golden rule still applies you still need to treat people the way you want to be treated" I say to them as they all surround me

"But we're saying it less and less these days because people have an automatic tendency to assume that if someone disagrees with someone they are their enemy and they are inherintly bad and I should be fucked but you can disagree with someone and still respect them..." I did nothing bad but all I did was disagree with them saying that I deserve the same respect I have been showing them

"You can even hate someone hate and their actions if they are doing horrible things and they need to be hated but you still need to treat them with respect..." I say and they all seem to understand what I am saying

"But that's hard when they don't... Respect you." I finish before taking a few steps back and leave them to think about what I just said.

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