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"Y'all got what you wanted right?" I am angry with them

"You fucking won, congratu-fucking-lations" I say to them as they all look at me speechless as they have never seen me angry

"But now I'm sorry because this ship has fucking sailed" I'm not having it anymore

"If you want to be apart of my life, you gonna have to fucking prove it to me right now!" I shout at them and they know not to butt in

"Nobody gets a free fucking pass anymore!" It's time to tell them it's enough

"You want my trust, earn it!" They never had it to begin with

"You want my respect, fucking earn it!" They don't respect me

"You want my love, time and energy? Fucking! Earn it!" I shout loudly showing my anger purely

"Nobody get to ride this ride for fucking free anymore." No more

"So congratu-fucking-lations to everyone who got their ticket and decided to rip up that fucking ticket." They did this not me.

"You wanted this! You got it!" Nothing but rage and anger for them doing this to me and they know what they have done and they know they shouldn't of done it but I'm sad

"You have nothing to say? Nothing?" I ask

"We're sorry" Nat says but I shake my head

"Shame on me for having a human heart." I say before running away with tears in my eyes and I can hear them calling for me but I don't look back and I never did after that day, I never saw them again

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