I'm an atheist 2

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(A/n y'all wanted part 2 so Imma give you just more than that, what do I mean? Well just wait and find out xoxo-Lara)

"I don't believe in god's do you know why?" I ask fed up with all of their shit and stuff "because if there was a god then I won't be as fucked up as I am I mean come on look at us... You have no heart" I point at Tony "you're only like this because of science made a formula to make you better" I point at Steve "you was exposed to much gamma radiation" I gesture to Bruce "you just got a good eye and can do trick shots" I say to Clint and then look at Wanda "and fuck knows what the hell happened to you" I was mad and they could tell by my words but my tone is netural as normal but I then look at Nat "you was basically kidnapped as a child" I say and then look at Vision "you're not even fully human and have a stone in your head" I say to him and then look at Thor "don't even get me started on you and your toy hammer, Bob the builder" I say and they can tell I am not to be interrupted

"So you want to know the truth about what happened to me?" I say standing up turning around to look at them all as they have been asking me almost everyday about what happened at hydra when I was there so I have these high tec ball's that play video and sound and I know exactly what I will be playing for them to see and hear so I roll them out on the floor behind me and they separate across the floor and I use my magic to start them up

"Compliance" I say as the images focus and I play the video from my memories "we don't want to hurt you y/n, you and I have no bad blood, we're just here to remind you of what kind of person you are and what kind of a world you are trying to save" the hydra agent tell the captured me that is tied to chair and I see the Avengers faces saddened at this image in front of them all and the all have a clear view of it and the old me huffs a little with a little sarcastic laugh before lifting her head looking up at the agent with a cold and stern look "go to hell" she speaks making the agent frown upon the words that the past me spoke

These words make more hydra agents that are in the room grab me from the chair making the old me stand up on my feet as the main agent walks over to me with a kinfe in hand but the old me doesn't react and I can see Wanda frown at this while Nat look down briefly but look back up see what happens next as the agent grabs the neck line of my shirt harshly

He brings the knife up and cuts the shirt from the neck part to bottom making my bra show with my briused and battered skin littered with a few scars and I see this makes Nat look away but keeps facing forward still paying attention while Wanda start to form tears in her eyes but keeps watch as they all are possibly thinking the worse as they see me getting stripped to my underwear against my will but the old me doesn't fight knowing it will only end badly and then gets chained up with my arms behind me, they all watch as the younger me getting painfully blasted with cold water at a force which made it so painful it makes the past me scream at the agony and made me physically shake from the coldness and torture and they would do this three times sometimes four every week...

Time skips back to an interview or whatever it is with me locked back in a chair as the same agent turns a laptop to me showing a main also in the same situation I am in "strength is not found within attitude, it is gained through... Compromise" I see a woman walk behind the man and aim a gun at his head from behind him "you're not the first to show disobedience" he tell me as the woman shoots the man's brains out so I look away and as I do the old me feels a gun on the back of my head

Waiting for them to pull the trigger knowing it is a gun as I feel the tention grown thick and then a 'click' so it wasn't even loaded but I didn't even flinch or anything... I can see this makes the Avengers uneasy seeing that I had no reaction to then pulling the trigger on me but soon the old me had a tear run down my face and looks down in disappointment wishing that the gun was actually loaded to put me out of my misery quickly but seem like they haven't given up yet... So they have more in-store for me and I see the Avengers faces have different looks between disbelief, sadness and sorrow but the video continues

"And punishment" the hydra agent says and it was a different day as the Avengers could tell by the different room and the other hydra agent with a whip in hand and whips my legs "uhh!" The young me groans in pain of the whip cutting through my skin because of the force behind the whip but my hair gets grabbed and pulled back so I'm sitting up straight but they do it again... And again... And again... They keep doing it before I get punched in the face as I see Wanda has a few tears falling already as well as Thor who look down saddened by the event playing out in front of them and Steve is looking away at Tony who seem to be trying to keep his expression stern but I can see the pain in his eyes from watching

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