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No one pov

Wanda and Natasha awaken when they hear a loud thud and look around to only find their girlfriend y/n had fallen off of the sofa while they slept which makes Wanda giggle softly and Nat chuckle as their girlfriend is still sleep after falling off the sofa but Wanda uses her magic and takes the sleeping woman up stairs to bed while they make their way to bed, Wanda places y/n down gently as they both climb in bed with her and pull the covers over her and snuggle into y/n

-next morning-

Y/n pov

Waking up I have a head ache and I'm not sure why but my head really hurts which makes me groan lowly as I lit my right hand to my head but hiss at the contact "you okay?" Wanda voice makes me open my eyes and look over at her "my head hurts" I mumble with a little pout and she smiles

"Well you did whack it off of the floor last night when you fell off the sofa" Nats voice chimes in making me turn my head and see her the other side of me but I process what she said as look down "owe" I frown with a bigger pout making the both chuckle at my reaction and tone

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