I Use To Be Normal

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"You piece of shit! This is your fault you controlled me manipulated me and turned me into this..." I don't even know what I am anymore... They changed me for the worse... "Y/n put the gun down" I be don't know who said it but I don't care "I used to be normal... Now look at me" I couldn't take it no more I'm a monster I'm damaged beyond repair

"I'm done..." I say with a slight shake to my head "I'm sorry okay... I'm sorr-" "no!" I cut who was speak off "what do you want me to do?!" What do I want them to do?... "Nothing... Do nothing cause you have taken everything... I've given you everything" I have nothing left...

"We didn't ask for that" Tony says making me look at him "I know you didn't ask... But it's what you do it's what trust and love is..." I never said that I've trusted them before or loved them for matter of fact but now they know and they look dumfounded by what I had said "can we just be honest... I was never as bad as you made me out to be... You just needed me to be bad... To justify how bad you treated me" I say and now they look guilt full and regretful... But it's to late for them now... They fucked up to much

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