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"Wisdom goddess, tell me why humans can advance faster?" Tony asks and I sit down next to Nat with my drink in my hand

"Humans consider themselves unique so they wrote the whole theory of existence on their uniqueness" I start off as they listen

"One is their unit of measure but it's not all social systems put that into place... It is a mere sketch" I add and he seems a little confused with my words but I continue

"1 plus 1 equals 2 that's all you've learned but one plus one has never equalled 2 there are in fact no numbers and no letters" I say witch makes them all confused even more

"Humans have quantified their existence to bring it down to human size to make it comprehensible" I explain and they share looks with each other

"You've created a scale so that you can forget it's unfathomable scale." I finish but I think I can add a fun fact so I do "plus humans only use 15% of their cerebral capacity witch makes dolphins smarter as they use 20% of their brain... So y'all are dummer then a fish" I say with a smile and they all just look at me as I just roasted them

"Do with that wisdom, what you will" I say and drink my drink looking at them "not going to lie... That kinda hurt deep down" Bruce says making me shrug

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