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They course the pain inside of me... Their about to find out how much they hurt me

"Life is pain!" I shout at them

"I wake up every morning and I'm in pain, I go to work in pain!" I tell them but they still don't care

"You know how many times I just want to give up, how many time I just wanted to end it!" They still don't care...

"Why are you angry?" Thor ask

"I'm not angry I'm in pain and you all put me here, the people who is supposed to love me more then anything!" I shout before running off and go to my room and take a few minutes to myself before writing a note

'The pain inside eventually took over and ended what everyone hates, me.' I then leave it on my bed before doing what I said I was going to do... And end it all...

What I didn't know was that after I ended it that they all regretted how they treated me and that they felt the guilt building up every single day after they made me commit suicide.

They did care...

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