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Me, Thor, stev and Bucky are having a drinking contest against each other we all have two big jugs full of beer and we have to drink it as fast as we can without bringing it back up or stopping and the rest of the avengers are going to watch to see who will win and I'm definitely doing to drink them under the table

"Get ready" Nat one of my girlfriends says as we all grab a jug ready to start when they say "chug!" Wanda says so us four start chugging "chug, chug, chug!" They cheer as I down most of the beer spilling some down me as I do but I see Thor does as well but I finish my first jug and set it down and grab my second starting on it

"Come on baby you got this" Wanda says to me as I start chugging spilling even more beer down my chest and I really shouldn't of worn a white shirt for this but it's too late as I finish the jug and place it down on the table seeing I am the first to finish "yay!" Wanda says cheering as she then puts her arm around Nat who smiles proudly but starts to look me up and down seeing my shirt has gone see through

"Excuse me" I hear Thor as he then lets out a the gas beside me by burping but much louder then I was expecting him too as he finally finishes with Bucky and then Steve "how did you drink it that fast?" Steve asks looking at me "I'm British mate... We love going out out on the crawl" I say and I don't think he gets it but he doesn't question it

"Well y/n beat you all" Tony says and lifts my arm meaning I won't before he let's go of my arm "great, now if your excuse me" I say as I start walking to my room slowly feeling the beer start to take effect on me but I go to my room meeting out a burp once I'm in and look down to see my red lace bra coming through my wet white shirt

"You really showed them how to handle their drink" I hear making me turn and see my girlfriends "I sure did, it's kinda like a traditional thing in England but we do it all the time, we would drop a coin in a random persons drink and if they don't down it in time while we count or sing the song we do the Queen will drown" I say as they walk in closing the door as I walk over to my wardrobe and grab a clean shirt and walking back out seeing them by my bed as I walk over to the bathroom door

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