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"You know what they all are?" I ask to the sky on my balcony "children like lighting candles gonna make everything okay or saying a prayer" I say as I look down at my hands speaking to my dad Tony... yeah he is dead... "or pretending that Wanda isn't going to end up like the rest of us murderous people" I say taking a breath and look back up at the sky

"Stupid... Delusional... Exasperating little children..." I say and I know Tony won't like what I'm saying "and I know what you're going to say..." I say as know what he will be thinking right now if he was listening to me

"It makes them feel better Y/n... So what? for how long? a minute? a day? What difference does it make?" I ask as I pause taking a breath "because in the end... when you lose somebody..." I shake my head thinking back to the day I lost him

"Every candle... Every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that I have left in your life..." I say as I feel the tears in my eyes "is a hole, where that somebody you cared about used to be and a rock with a birthday carved into it..." I say as he knows I loved rocks when  younger so he did that for me and I loved it

"Oh, and I didn't get the girl either," I say as he knew whom I liked as well "so... I'm stuck here taking care of kids... You owe me big" I say pointing at the sky before lowering my hand ad turning around walking back into my room but I see I'm not alone anymore...

"Natasha?" I say but I think she heard everything I said just then as I see tears in her eyes... But she is faded and gone...

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