Autistic cuddles and kisses

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It's what we should do in relationships right? Cuddles and kisses but I know there is a lot more to it then what meets the eye and I know that and over time I have started to want to become more closer physically to them but I don't know how to tell them that's the thing with me... I never know how to communicate with anyone... It sucks... Big time...

I'm in my bathroom as Wanda and Nat are in my room on my bed as we have been watching movies while cuddling and yeah we cuddle quiet often but sometimes I want more then just cuddles if you know what I mean... Not that I'm asking for intercourse no that not it I just... I don't know...

I sign after drying my hand after washing them and unlocking the door and walking out walking back over to the bed where they are and they both have kept my space warm for me so I settle back down in between them both and just sit there in thought of how I could give them hints or what not but I seem to have made them notice my behaviour as they both share a look before looking at me but I'm to busy in thought to notice this

"Okay, what is it?" Nat says as Wanda also sits up looking at me making me come out of thought and shake my head meaning it is nothing but Nat raises an eyebrow and Wanda tilt her head as they don't believe me making me start to play with a loss strand of hair that has fallen down my shoulder while looking at it "nothing" I mumble out but again they don't let it go making me become awkward and I see Nat look at Wanda like she I asking something of her as Wanda looks at Nat with a questioning look on her face

I know Nat is talking to Wanda possibly asking Wanda if she is hearing anything from me but I haven't sent my thoughts out of my head but the thoughts that I was having in the bathroom come back to my mind and Wanda looks at me but I keep my eyes on the strand of hair I'm playing with "hunny..." Wanda says making me briefly look up but back down and I saw her eyes glow a little tint of red meaning she was talking to Nat who is also looking at me

"No" I say without even knowing what she is going to say but I have a feeling she is going to ask me to tell them what is on my mind as I won't tell them and they seem to know this now but instead without thinking about it to much 'I want more kisses' I don't dare to look up at them and I see Wanda tilt her head again before looking at Nat still with glowing red eyes and I see Nat smile softly after looking back at me "no need to say anymore, kotenok" I hear as Nat then lift my head up to her and she lean's closer to me capturing my lips with her soft tender ones

My actions with my hair stop as my left hand goes to the back of her neck almost like a habit so she can't pull away to soon for my liking and she seems to notice that I don't want to just stop at a few soft kisses so she turns her head a little and deepens the kiss as I feel her tongue swipe across my bottom lip making me gasp at the touch but allow her permission to use her tongue and I think we are both enjoying this moment as we both tangle out tongues together in a passionate kiss

After a little while I slowly start to let go of her neck releasing her from my grip so she can pull away and she does in her own time not before giving me a few smaller kisses and then sits back and licks her lips with a little smile on her face seeing how flustered I am because of it so she looks at Wanda who I can see has red cheeks from watching "okay... That's was actually really hot" Wanda says making Nat chuckle lowly "well I have a feeling it about to get hotter" Nat says making Wanda start to smirk a little before looking at me with this look in her eyes but I don't make eye contact as normal but I welcome her movements as she gets closer to me so I lift my head to her seeing this she wastes no time in pressing her lips to mine in a blissful yet soft kiss

Her pillow like lips against mine feel incredible as my right hand goes to the side of her face and I do what Nat did to me and swipe my tongue across Wanda's bottom lip making her let me in as she opens her mouth so I follow what Nat did to make as the kiss is deepened by us and I know Nat is watching as I can feel her eyes on us but that doesn't bother me as I then feel Wanda suck on my tongue a little making a small whimper come from me

I hear Wanda let out a low moan of satisfaction or something like that before pulling away from me and sitting back in her previous spot "I was right" Nat voice seemed like she was a little flustered but not as much as me by the looks of it but they both look at each other with a different look I haven't seen before and I then see Nat smirk before she then starts to get closer to Wanda who also leans in and I am coming baffled by what comes next

I lift my eyes to them as they get to each other and kiss and my eyes widen at the site as I feel this sensation throb from my private are between my legs and spread throughout my whole body as I see them make out and their tongues got involved very shortly after as there hands wander closer to one another my eyes can't be torn away from the site in front of me as I hear Wanda let out a little moan as I see Nat pulling away with Wanda lip in between her teeth before letting it go

I swallow a lump in my throat that was forming and my breathing is non existent at this moment but soon returns as the need of oxygen comes back to me and they both sit back and look away from one another and look towards me seeing that I was infact watching which makes me look down at my lap as a blushing messes

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