Fall Asleep

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I turned back time to see Nat one last time and to speak with her just to say goodbye as I didn't get to and she knows I'm from the future.

"You're gone" I speak softly

"Gone?" She asks

"Gone away, I watched you disappear" I say and she turns her body to look at me giving me her full attention

"All that's left is a ghost of you" I add and she frowns

"Now we're torn"

"Torn?" She seems confused a little

"Torn apart"

"There is nothing we can do?" She ask but I open a portal to leave but she grabs my arm

"Just let me go, we'll meet again soon." She knows what I'm about to do

"Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around." She tries but I can't as I go through the portal where the cliff is where she sacrificed herself

"I'll see you when I fall to sleep." I say and close the portal and jump.

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