Autistic Sibling

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My younger brother never really liked crowds or loud noises like Tony Starks parties so he has these noise cancelling headphones to wear and I keep an eye on him from a far while I am at the bar with my girlfriend Natasha and we've been talking for a while so I look away and over at Luke my brother and see him looking a bit distressed and I see him lift his right hand and start tugging at the back of his hair and I know this is a sign of him being bothered and I instantly excuse myself from the conversation with my girlfriend without an explanation and walk over to my brother who isn't too far away from the bar

"Hey, hey it's okay" I say as I wrap both arms around his torso from behind lossly "there is no reason to get upset, I'm here okay? You're okay" I tell him but he doesn't stop tugging at his hair "do you want tighter or looser?" I ask knowing that hugging him can help him calm down as I am his only family member left and I'm the only one who know how to deal with him in these kind of situations

"Tighter" he says so I tighten my hold of him across his lower torso and chest as rest my chin on his shoulder and after a little while his hand lowers from his hair "is that better?" I speak looking at him and he nods with a sign of relief "yeah" he says making me smile and kiss his head "come on, let go get you a drink and talk about quantum physics and trains" I say to him and he nods again as I know he likes quantum physics, trains and astronomy too

We both walk over to the bar where Nat is and we both sit down and Luke starts talking to us both about quantum physics like I said we would talk about so we both listen and ask questions that come to mind and he answers and I'm so grateful to have a girlfriend that understands his needs


I'm awake up my someone shaking me "y/n" I hear my brother's voice which makes me groan but open my eyes "Luke?" I question as I let my eyes adjust to the dark and see him standing next to me standing beside the bed so I look to my right and see Nat also waking up from his voice and see what's going on so I look back at Luke and my alarm clock to see... "Ugh damn it Luke it's three in the morning" I tell him not happy with him waking me up but I can be that mad at him until I know why he woke me up

"I'm well aware of that but I need you to follow me" he mutters making me frown "why?" My voice is still horse like from how tired I am "I did a thing" he says making me frown "doesn't affect me?" I question "no" he answers making me inhale deeply and then huff out in annoyance "then suffer in silence, goodnight Luke" I say and turn over and snuggle up over to my girlfriend who puts an arm around me and pulls me closer welcoming my embrace without hesitation and after a few seconds I hear him leave

"Aren't you curious what he wanted to show you?" Nat asks half asleep "ugh, it can wait till tomorrow" I tell her before kissing her neck a little bit before signing in content and going back to sleep in her arms peacefully for the second time

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