Autistic love triangle

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They are going to know something is up with the way I act and speak soon enough and they will catch on even if I have spoken to Steve about it I still am lost in what I should do... I've been trying it avoid them but I can't keep doing that forever... Like now...

Steve said to just tell them but I can't do that when I hardly speak to them so he suggested that I act on it instead... Yikes... My nerves are going hay wire... But what else am I supposed to do? Write them a letter? Haha I tired that but I couldn't give it to them... I don't know why but I couldn't...

"So why have you been avoiding us?" Nat asks as I try to leave the room but a red msity power source blocks the door way making me stop and freeze on the spot "you're not running away from us again are you?" Wanda asks but I can't speak of this in front of everyone else like Thor and Tony as well as Steve even if he knows what is up I don't want everyone to know I'm way to nervous to speak with everyone around "follow" I mumble but I think they both heard me as the misty red powers disappear so I walk out of the room and down the hall to my own room and walk in and wait for them to come in and they do

"Close the door" I say so Wanda closes it like I asked as my eyes wander around the place as I feel my palm become sweaty and with my right hand I start playing with the end of my sleeve on my left wrist as I try to think of how to put it into words if I can even do that and they can see how uneasy I am in my own mind as they come closer to me "hey, hey calm down" Nat says as she takes hold of my right hand stopping me from messing with the sleeve of my shirt and Wanda places her hand over my left one "whatever it is, don't stress about it" Wanda says also trying to calm me and their voice are soothing so it kinda works

'I'm not stressed... I'm nervous' I see Wanda tilt her head at my thought wounder what is going on "p-please don't kill me for this" I speak quickly before I look at the first woman I put my eyes on and see Nat looking at me already so I lift my hands making them both let go of my hands as I grab Nat's face and lean closer as her eyes widen seeing what I am doing but doesn't fight it as I kiss her lips and surprisingly she kisses me back "oh my god" I hear Wanda voice chokes out wih pure shock and surprise as I pull back trying not to have second thoughts about it as I switch and grab Wanda taking her by surprise as she squeals a little as I then kiss her on her lips but feeling her kiss back I pull away from her and pull my hands away from them as I let it sink in as I keep my eyes away from them both

After what felt like hours but was only a few seconds or maybe a minute I still didn't hear anything which makes me think that I have done something very wrong and have damaged our friendship to make it unrepairable so the panic in my head kicks in so I step back and crouch down to the floor lifting my hands to my head covering my head and ears and I close my eyes shutting them as tightly as I can as I could only think of the panicked thoughts that come to mind

'What have I done? Why would I drop this boom shell on them like this... They probably don't feel the same... They probably hate me for this now... Ugh what is wrong with me...' I can hear muffled voices like they are talking to me but my hands are covering my ears so I can't hear what they are saying but I then feel them taking hold of my arms and hands pulling them away from my head making me opening my eyes as I then feel a hand go under my chin and lift my head up to face up and they can see the panic in my face and eyes even if I'm not looking at them "y/n calm down we don't hate you" Wanda voice flows through my ears "it's just the shock of the kiss that made our brains short circuit" Nat adds making me frown but I understand what that meant

"But you should know we like you too" Wanda says making the panic stop as I process what Wanda just said and after I figure that out I look at her eyes to see if their are anything behind them telling me something different even if I won't be able to tell if their is I just look at her to see her show a small smile so I look at Nat to see if it is true and I see she nods and little bit so... It is true... "The feeling is mutual" Nat confirm making me look away from them and at the floor as I look away

"I... Didn't know... How to tell you both" I whisper in my usual small tone "Steve said... I should act on it... So I did" I admit to them as I feel Wanda rub my arm softly and Nat kneels down to the floor so she is at my height if not a little bit taller then me "and were happy that you did kotenok" she says as I feel her plant a tender kiss on my temple "that was brave of you" Wanda adds as Nat pulls back

"See I told you that you are braver then you believe, smarter then you think and stronger then you know" Nat says and now I do believe her words now that I did that "yeah... But I was still scared shitless when doing so" I speak as Wanda starts to stand up and Nat does too and they pull my up by my arms so I stand as Nat walks over to my bed and sits down so Wanda leads me over to it and sits me down before sitting down herself "well we don't blame you... I am an ex assassin and Wanda is a witch" Nat says making me nod in agreement and now that I think of that if I thought of that before I wouldn't of done what I did...

"Don't remind me... I wouldn't of done that if I remembered..." I say looking at the floor and it goes quiet for a few seconds before I see in the corner of my eye that Nat is smirking while looking at Wanda and I see Wanda nod so... Are they communicating with each other? My mind goes blank when they both kiss my cheek on the closes side to them making my face heat up and heart thump against my chest and I almost stop breathing too as they both then pull back and I hear Nat chuckle seeing the blush on my face "how would you like to be our girlfriend y/n?" Wanda asks making me feel like I am on cloud nine

"I... I'd like that... But I've never been... In a relationship before... Let alone a double one" I come clean to them as I feel Nat place her hand over mine "it's okay were all be learning as we go along" she says making me nod softly knowing I'm not in this alone as I have them both and I'm glad I took Steve's advice so I make a mental note to thank him later

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