Mother instincts 6

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(A/n y'all thought I was done with this on haha na but this is the final chapter of this series of chapter for mother instincts xoxo-Lara)

"You use your powers on the baby?" Wanda asks with a unsure tone but I nod "all the time to see what she wants and why she is crying" I explain which makes them seem relieved making me confused "why what do you think I was doing with my powers?" I ask wanting to know what they was thinking "don't take this the wrong way but... You're a succubus" Wanda says and I nod slowly still with a confused expression

"Aren't your power mostly for... Pleasure?" Nat asks making me look at her and understand what they was thinking "oh bloody hell I would never to a child or anyone for that matter" I say disgusted with that thought "I can't believe you would think I would do such a thing" I say slightly offended but I understand where they are coming from "we didn't, it just came to mind when you said you use your power on a baby" Wanda says making me sign with a little shake to my head

"And it doesn't help that we know nothing about your powers so we just thought that you could only pleasure people with them" Nat adds making me understand that they actually know nothing about my kind... "Maybe you should just tell us about your abilites so we don't have another moment like this in the future" Wanda suggest and I look at Nat and she seems like she agrees with Wanda so I give in to them

"Okay fine" I say as I look down at the sleeping potato in my arms as I gently pull my finger out of her mouth and Wanda takes her to put her back in the crib and I wipe my finger on Nat as she is closest "thanks" she says sarcastically making smile without knowing "you're welcome" I tell her "is that a smile?" She asks making it disappear instantly

"I thought you only smiled at babies?" Wanda join back on the bed as the movie is still playing but we are pay no attention to it by now "what do you want to know about my powers?" I asks changing the subject back to the other one before they understand that m walls that I built so high are slowly starting to crumble wth these two woman and honestly I don't mind it

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