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"There are many types of monsters in this world, monsters who'll not show themselves and some who cause trouble, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dream, monsters who suck blood and... Monster who always tell lies..." I say to them as they all surround me uneasy by my words but I continue anyway

"Those monsters are a real nuisance they are much more cunning then another monsters, they poses humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart, they eat even know they never experienced hunger, they study even though they have no interest in academics, they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love" they stay put as to where they are and listen to my words but I think it's about time to tell them

"If I were to encounter such a monster, I would likely be eaten by it" I pause as I stand up from my chair and they all get into position

"Because all in truth... I am that monster." I say before my fangs come out and eyes turn pure crimson blood red.

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