Sofa Cuddles

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I know Natasha isn't the type to show our physical relationship outside of the bedroom unless it is flirting or teasing but sometimes very rare times it is just cute fluff and she doesn't hate showing it and doesn't mind it but she just doesn't like the comments that Tony normally follows up with that's why she doesn't show her physical side more but sometimes she will when she knows it is safe like when Tony is on a mission with some of the others and we would stay back and watch movies while cuddling on the sofa

Wanda would also join with Vision and they don't make stupid comments like Tony or Bruce and sometimes Steve and Clint so we are comfortable with this peculiar couple as we have also been on double dates with them and everything they are cuddled up on one sofa while me and Nat are on the other watching god knows what Wanda picked out for us to watch but half way though I had felt my eyes getting heavy to the point I couldn't keep them open

Nat's Pov

Through out the movie I have my arms around y/n as she lays with her front pressed against mine as I look over at our friends and see Vision is awake but Wanda has fallen asleep on him so I look down at y/n and see she has fallen asleep on me which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside as I have the person I love in my embrace asleep on me meaning she feels safe with me and enough so to fall sleep in my arms which warm my heart even more as I know I will do anything for this woman

She is my everything and I want to show her that I mean that in everyway and that I would absolutely love the shit out of her if she let me and I'm lucky enough for her to give me that chance to do so and this woman has turned my world upside down and for the better "I should take Wanda to bed to let her sleep so good night Miss Romanoff and thank you for spending the day with us, we enjoyed it very much perhaps we all could do this again sometime" Vision says making me look over at him as show a small smile

"Good night Vision and I think we will be doing this again" I say as he picks up Wanda with easy and then starts to walk away as I turn my attention back to the beauty in my hold as I sit here quietly admiring her for a little while wondering how lucky I am to have her as my own before I gently put one arm under her legs and the other around her lower torso and I sit up as pick her up with me and take us to our room and place her down on the bed gently as I don't want to wake her as she has been working really hard lately on work trying to prove to Steve and Tony that she is better than they think

She is actually getting better at what she does at the same time so I'm guessing that is only why Steve is telling her to work harder to make her better at what she does and Tony well he just like to see her suffer most times but I always make sure that she is taken care of herself and if she does push herself to far I will step in and take care of the situation "Tasha?" A tired husky tone making me look towards y/n and see her looking around but her eyes land on me seeing that I have just layed her down on the bed

"It's okay baby go back to sleep" I tell her as I pull away but she grabs my hand and waist as she then pulls me down to her flipping me on I'm on my back and I'm surprised by the pure strength and speed that she uses as she instantly cuddles up to me and place one of her legs over me as well as one of her arms before snuggling into me as I put my arms around her as I feel her place a gentle kiss on my neck so I return one on her head which make me feel her smile against my skin making me smile

"I love you" y/n mumbles and this is the first time she said this to me... "What?" I as unsure of what I hear but her breath evens out and soft and light snores come from her and a small smile is left on my face "I love you too y/n" I tell her even though I know she isn't awake

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