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"How long have you been an alcoholic?" Tony asks making me look at him "how long have you been an asshole?" I ask making everyone look over at us "I am not an alcoholic, okay?" I tell him "I enjoy an occasional drink," I say and he smiles as only himself and Steve, Thor and Fury are here to talk to me in the lounge about me... When they don't even know me that well at all they know is my name and that I think a drink every now and then...

"You seem pretty defensive about it" he comes back making me sit forward on my chair as I see Nat and Wanda come into the room with Bruce quietly probably listening in on our conversation as I saw them looking over "I'm defensive because you don't know me and you're making assumptions..." I pause as he goes to speak again but no I'm not having it "no, you stay there in those several hard ass chairs because you're pissing me off and I'm about to get upset with you frankly" I say as even Fury is here watching this all happen and looks a little shock at my words

"Do you always let your kid walk all over you like this?" he asks making me stand up and look at him as he should have kept his mouth shut "first of all, I'm not his 'kid' I'm his daughter get it right now sit down cause you got the question wrong, sit down! sit down!" I say to him and he sits down as he knows that I am in no mood for his shit

"What kind of dad lets his daughter sleep around?" Thor... Oh... So he wants to start too "somebody better get security up in this bitch, what do you mean sleeping around blondie? did I sleep with your girl? who the fuck are you talking too goldy locks? do you know me? what's my middle name? what's my favorite colour? who I sleep with? cause I ain't sleeping with nobody like you fool." I clap back at him and by the looks on his face he knows he made a mistake and I see Nat smirking and Wanda looking proud

"You know what... No fuck y'all snakey ass wipes, I'm going to go out and find someone who actually gives a fuck about me instead of you two faces assholes" I say standing up showing them the middle finger as I walk out and leave the building as Wanda follows and that makes Nat follow so us three go and do something together and they praise me on sticking up for myself

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