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Yeah I'm a ghost and I get to go anywhere I want and people only see me when I want them to and if I don't want to then they don't

I'm not sure where I am right now but this places is cool

"It's like there is some kind of energy messing with the systems... I think someone is in this room with us" I hear making me turn and see a few people I have never seen before but I think I should creep them out so I walk over to a chair and push it over making them all look at it

"What the fuck"

"Who's there?"

I appear in front of them "boo" I say and a few of them jump back in surprise and shock and I chuckle at the reaction as making people jump never gets old

"Who are you?" The blonde and red haired woman asks making me look at her "I'm a ghost... Now you see me" I say before disappearing "now you don't" I know they can still hear me as they all look around trying to see me but they can't

I walk over to her and behind her "I'm a ghost" I reappear and she turns and looks at me and goes to hit my in the face but her hand goes right through me and I giggle

"You can't hit a ghost love" I say as she steps back and looks at me in disbelief "well not until I want you too and I don't want you too sooooo" I just smile innocently before walking through a table over to the other side ever the computers are

"Whatcha working on?" I ask as I see I make the computers go static so I wave a hand over them witch sorts them out so I can see what is on the screen

"Ugh boring" I say looking away from it as I see a hand reaching for me making me look and see it is a tall long haired blond guy with a red cape and hammer in his hand...

I push him flying across the room not wanting him to be near me or to touch me "this is my no no square, no no don't touch me there" I say making a square with my hands around my body as I then see a red misty orb in casing me making me frown and look around before seeing the other red haired woman is doing this

"Okaaaay, this isn't something you see everyday" I say as I look at her turning my body to her giving her my full attention "if you're a ghost... How did you touch him?" She asks as she walks closer to me and the guy gets back up seeming to be fine

I chuckle a little "just because I'm a ghost doesn't mean I can't interact with things and other people, plus I was born like this so I just rome the world for eternity looking for something to do to keep me entertained" I inform them as they all share looks with each other

"Well this has been fun... But I think I should go now... Bye Felicia" I say before disappearing so they can't see me again and the woman makes the bubble disappear so I can walk away witch it stopping me.

"I'll see you soon" I say before actually going away somewhere else before she incase me again.

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