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"Bestie!" I shout running past my room but I see Wanda in there making me stop and go in my room seeing she was looking for me

"Bestie, someone told me you were crying are there droplets of sorrow coming from your eyes? Are you crying?" I ask making her turn around and look at me to see tears in her eyes

"Okay I am coming over, why are you crying? Have you had a bad day?" I ask as I sit down on the bed with her and she nods

"Bestie I'm so sorry... live laugh love? More like crying taxes and death, am I right?" I say as I think of a way to cheer her up but it didn't seem to work

"Here's what you need to do girlboss, you need feel these things, you need to cry it all out, you need to let it all out because the only way to get through it is to get through it!" I say as I hold her hands as she just listens to me

"Not over it, not under it, not around, it through it!" I say and she sniffles quietly

"So why you're feeling these things here are some reasons why tomorrow might be better, 1. You can have some of my chocolate, 2. You can have some ice cream your choice, 3. We can watch a movie again your choice while we cuddle, 4. Somebody that you don't like could be very much injured or in prisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D." I say and she cracks a smile making me smile

"Okay that's all I have for now but I will leave to go and get you some tissues, drinks, munchie and your favourite fluffy red blanket to be wrapped up into a cocoon like a burrito." I say making her huff like she was chuckling so I stand up and walk out my room but bump into Nat as I leave

"Oh Nat, wanna join and help me cheer up Wanda?" I ask and she smiles with a nod and helps me get everything before going back to my room and put on a film that Wanda chose.

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