Autistic unexpected hugs

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They both have been so kind and patient with me like they haven't been pushy or anything like that when I have been given them nothing but trouble and grief I wounder if they know how appreciative I am of them both and how grateful I am to have them both in my life as they both understand me like no one else does... I wounder if I can show them that I'm grateful for them both... But... How?

Well how would someone else show them that they are appreciative of someone?... Oh wait I know! I wounder around looking for either Wanda or Nat and I find Wanda in the kitchen so I walk in the room and she senses me so she turns around and sees it is me "oh hey y/n, dinner is almost ready" she says as I walk over to her and she looks confused as I get closer then what I usually would "are you o-" I hug her which makes her pause mid sentence as I wrap my arms around her waist firmly feeling heat rush throughout my whole body as I'm not use to physical touch such as this but it doesn't take long for her to slowly hug me back "thank you... For being you" I whisper with a small tone as we stay like this for a few more seconds as I feel her plant a soft kiss on my head meaning she heard what I said "it's not a problem Hun" her voice is smooth and calm

I then pull away as she obey and lets me go and I see a smile on her face as she looks at me but I don't look at her as I just walk away and out of the room to go find Nat and it takes a while but I find her in the training room as she is about to start her session but I tap her shoulder before she can start making her look over her shoulder and see me so she turns her body fully towards me "y/n... You alright?" She asks as I hesitate as I don't want her to floor me but Wanda didn't so I step closer and she freezes with a bit of tenseness not knowing what I'm doing as I pull myself closer to her as I snake my arms around her waist like I did to Wanda and hug her firmly with a secure grip around her

I feel her relax a little after she realises that I'm just hugging her which I've never done before but she puts her arms around me gently before lossly tightening her grip a bit making it firm "thank you for putting up with me" I mumble into her shoulder but I know she heard as I feel her rub my lower back softly "anytime kotenok" I hear her whisper as I inhale her scent lightly that I've grown to love, feeling content and safe in her arms but I know she has to get on with training so I start to pull back and she starts to let go of me and looks at me but I avoid eye contact as I'm to awkward for that and with that said and done I leave the room without another word and go to my room

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