I'm an atheist 5

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(A/n thinking that this might be the last chapter of this series but who knows many in vol. 2 when I get around to making it I could continue this series xoxo-Lara)

I won't of stopped her because she knew that is what I was trying to make her do, what the hell is she playing at? I know that she only wanted me to tell her how I am doing and what I am feeling but- "y/n" I hear her call my name which makes me lift my head as I bowed my head while I was thinking to myself and I turn my head a little meaning I am listening to what she has to say "talk to me" she says with a concerned tone which makes me look away even though I wasn't looking at her

"Be honest with me" I ask as I hear her coming closer to me "okay" she says as I take a breath before asking "why did you go through with it and not leave?" I ask wanting to know the truth "y/n" she mumbles with a smaller tone as I finally turn back around and look at her "why did you go though with it Natasha?" I say more firmly as I need to know "because... I want you I know that..." She gets closer to me and I don't step away "I'm always going to be honest with you and that I'm not going to sugar coat nothing or lie to you about anything so you can trust me and my words from the start" she answers making my whole body language soften and she lift her hands and takes mine in hers and then looks me in my eyes

"I will always tell you the truth" she says making me look down "but all I ask in return is that you open up to me about how you are feeling and what's is going on in that beautiful head of yours" she adds making me look back up at her "can you do that for me?" She asks with a sweet little reassuring look on her face which makes me look away thinking about it for a second or two before answering "you're not going to back stab, black mail, judge me or down grad-" "y/n, I won't do anything like that to you I only want to help make you feel better, I promise" I can tell she is being genuinely honest with me which makes me uneasy to open up to her but I do believe her words

"Okay" I agree to open up to her about my emotions and thoughts "okay?" She repeats so I nod "I can do that" I answer and she show a half-hearted smile "but only to and for you" I add and she nods agreeing "so don't tell anyone else okay" I just have to make sure "you have my word, whatever you say to me stays between us and only us" she reassures making me nod slowly and she then pulls us over to the bed and we sit down on it together as she keeps one hand of mine in hers and strokes her thumb smoothly over it every now and then

"So, how are you feeling right now?" She asks making me think about what I am feeling before I speak up about it to her "still in shock but also... Dumfounded" I say as I am still stunned by all this and she nods understanding that and she doesn't say anything bad or pull a unimpressed face or anything like it "that's understandable as I would be too" she says making me look around them room still trying to process this "what about you?" I ask looking back at her woundering what she is feeling right now

"I'm feeling... Pleased" she tells me and I'm sure I still have a unreadable pending expression on my face but not the blank one that I would normally have on but a baffled pending look "but also a little worried" she adds making me move my eyes back to her "why?" I ask and she looks down at her lap "I am starting to think that my feelings are one sided" she admits and lifts her head back up and looks at me for an answer 

"No, they're mutual" I announce to her but look away and she just looks so calm and chill about this even though I just found out that she likes me and also likes to be choked... Oh my god she likes to be choked... "It is?" She asks making me look back at her "uhmm" I nod while humming to her still thinking about what I had found out "so what do you think?" She asks making me frown upon her words woundering what she is asking as my mind is somewhere else at this moment and time

"About this mutual feeling?" She questions "oh that uhh I... Uhm" my brain goes blank apart from on noise that I heard and that washer moan when I had chocked her and it repeats in my head so I look away from her trying to think of something to say "I..." I pause again and look down at the floor "don't dislike it" I manage to get out as I internally shake my head getting rid of that thought for now

"You don't?" She asks making me hum confirming that I don't "so does that mean that you are will to give us a try?" She asks unsure of her words but I look at her with a soft look and I take a moment to think before I speak "I'm not against it" I express my thoughts about it making her smile "okay so how about me and you go on a date tonight?" She asks making me unsure about it "a-a date?" I question and she nods "yeah but don't worry it won't be anything fancy so we will keep it casual just the two of us getting to know each other better and spending time together" she explains and waits for an answer

"I've never been on a date before" I admit and she smiles sweetly at this "then I will be honoured to be your first" she says and I look down at my lap briefly before looking back at her "okay... I'll go on a date with you" I agree making her smile widen haooy that I agreed to go on this date with her

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