Yeah, You're Cute

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"Yeah, you're cute." I start of telling Nat as she is sat on my bed next to me listening after she said she wants to try this... Us...

"But can you handle my overthinking? can you handle my constant need for reassurance? can you handle me thinking you don't like me 24/7?" I ask and she goes to answer but I'm not done so I put one hand up telling her to be silent

"Can you handle my constant need for attention? Can you handle me thinking I'm not good enough for you?" I ask and she goes to speak again but... Again... I'm not done so I put my finger on her lips making her stay quiet

"Can you handle that I will be jealous of every girl and boy that comes across your path? Can you handle me being insecure about my everything?" I say and then pull my hand away looking at her

"I'm a handful... So can you handle that?" I ask and she keeps looking at me before she takes hold of my hands "that is what makes you who you are... And I think I can do my best to handle that" she says making me look down but she lifts my chin making me look up

"The question is... Can you handle me?" She asks making me crack a smile "I can sure try" I tell her witch makes her smile before she leans in and kisses me for the first time.

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