Secret Kid

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(A/n TW mention of sexual assault, r*pe so if you are uncomfortable with that I understand so please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable or anything xoxo-Lara)

I know they are getting suspicious about me leaving at unexpected times everyday but I have to I need to but I also need this to stay a secret for their safety and honest I don't know if I can trust them with this so I'm not ready to tell them yet but I know they are going to ask questions about it all and unfortunately that time has caught up with me right now

"I mean everyday you leave even when it is important for you to stay and you never stay at the compound unless you're too injured or passed out from exhaustion but then as soon as you wake up you freak out and leave as quick as you can, why? What are you not telling us?" Steve says as Tony and him had pulled a meeting to discuss just this... About what I'm not telling them... Ugh... As if this can get any worse

"I don't want to talk about it" I say with a blank expression and a natural tone as I see Wanda tilt her had as Nat frown while Tony looks at me with a disappointed look as Steve shakes his head while Bruce, Thor, Clint and Vision stay quiet "tell us or you're off the team" Steve threatens making me lift my head and look at him as I see everyone I just as shocked as me

"You can't do this" I say unsure if he can or can't "I can and I will, this team is based on trust and communication and you aren't doing ay of those" he threatens making me frown upon his words and I look at Tony to see if he has anything to say but he looks down so I look at the four silent Avengers but they avoid eye contact too so I look at Wanda and Nat and I see Wanda look away from Steve and at me with a look of sorrow knowing that she can't say anything to make him change his mind and Nat looks at Steve with a frown upon her face

"You can't be serious" Nat says making him look at her "either she puts all her cards on the table or she's off the team, we don't know if we can trust what you're hiding y/n we trust you but not the secrets you hide, this is for the best and we all know it" Steve announces firmly so I abruptly stand up and slam my hands on the table grabbing everyone's attention as I lean over while looking at Steve dead in his eyes with an unfazed expression on m face "you say you trust me but yet I see distrust right here in front of me in your eyes... You're a liar Steve, a con, a fake, a joke... You just don't like the fact that I'm keeping something from you and you can't figure out what it is" I tell him before I walk out of the room as I hear someone else stand up and walk after me

"Y/n wait!" I hear Natasha's voice as I get to the door but she grabs the handle before me and stands in the way of the door that I was going to use even though there are two door I can use "where are you going? Let's just talk about this please" she says making me sign lightly while looking at her "and we will once I get back" I tell her and she frowns a little bit "then where are you going?" She asks making me look down a little "he said he wanted all my cards on the table... So that is what I'm going to do" I tell her before using the other door and leaving

-skip half an hour-

"But what if they don't like me mama?" My daughter Ivy says making me crouch down to her and brush some of her hair back behind her ear "don't be silly darling, they will love you just as much as I do" I reassure her as we are almost at the compound "okay" she says and she is 8 years old and I'm 23 so I had her at 15 years old and if you haven't figured it out by now she wasn't planned as I didn't plan to get... Anyway we walk into the compound and she holds my right hand and I hear the Avengers in the common room so I stop where I am

I look at lvy and crouch down to her "can you stay here for a second until I tell you to come in okay?" I say knowing that she will be safe here and she nods so I smile and kiss her head "I won't be long okay" I tell her before walking through the door leaving it open a little bit as I walk into the room I see the Avengers soon spot me and give me their attention seeing I am back as they all are here

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