Lost It All

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I laugh as they try to make me break down by their words and they all look confused as to why I am laughing so I shall enlighten them while I and tied to a chair...

"So here's the thing, I've done this, the whole threatening people bit, the intimidation... I've been there and I just don't care anymore" I say as I break the ropes that was holding me down and they all jump back not expecting me to break free

"Some people have a bad day... I've had a bad life" I say throwing the rope to the floor "if I want something... It's taken from me" Tony already in his suit as he lifts his repulsers and shots at me but I lift one wrist and it deflects off of me and straight back at him sending him flying across the room

"If I win the fight... I lost the war... Threats only work on someone who has something to lose" I pause and smile "but me?" I say as I lift both hands as my purple aura comes out above both hands

"I've already lost it all!" I shout before throwing them all across the room so I can escape.

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