Deserve You

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"I'm about to describe you and you're going to be like what the fuck how does she know this shit but there is a point to this so keep listening to me" I say to Wanda and Nat and I've only known them for a few months but I pick up on a few things when I get to know someone

"You both have a big heart and you care about people a lot, not everybody as there's some people you strongly dislike" I know they don't like everyone like Loki, Sharon ect

"You both give a lot of time and energy to people who you care about even though sometimes those people don't always deserve it" I say and then look at Wanda

"You also sometimes have attachment issues not all the time" I say and she looks down knowing I am right "but you both have tend to have a trend of not letting people go, either when you know that their toxic and you both currently have someone who you feel like you're never going to get over..." I say and by the looks on their faces in right again... I think I need to cheer them up now

"You're both also hot as fuck and you don't even realise it, you have so many insecurities that you forget to appreciate all your good qualities and when people compliment you, you don't really believe it..." I say and they look at each other before looking back at me

Other times you can be a complete badass when you're confident you freaking glow..." I say and this so for both of them as they are badass

"You're also a fun people to be around and you feel like people don't appreciate that..." I say and I know people appreciate it as I do

Lastly you are strong as hell... You've been through so much shit in your lives..." I say as I know they have been through a lot of stuff

"Witch people don't even know about but you're still fighting and doing amazing... But that person you want so bad right now, do they see all that?..." I ask but I don't think they do because if they did they would tell them right?

"No they don't... A random girl on the street knows you better than they do and they don't even care to get to know you, they don't value or appreciate you at all..." I say and yes I am that random girl as I met them randomly on the streets one day

"They do not deserve you." I finish off "what's with the looks?" I ask and they both look at each other and nod like they are communicating with each other non verbally...

"They do know" Wanda say making me frown "they why haven't they told you? You deserve to kno-" "you just did" Nat cuts me off

"W-what?" I ask not sure what they are saying but at the same time I do...

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