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Nat has been feeling down lately so I'm going to cheer her up so I walk to her room and knock on her door and she tells me to come in so I walk in and sit down beside her on her bed

"Nat" I say making her look at me and she looks sad...

"You know butterflies can't see the colour of their wings" I say and this makes her frown and tilt her head in confusion as to why I am telling her this

"But us as humans can see how beautiful they are" I say softly and she straightens her head

"Likewise, you might not think you're good enough but..." I pause

"Others can see how special and amazing you are and how beautiful you have grown up to be" I say and she smiles softly and huff's as a little laugh making me smile before I put my arms out for her and she comes closer and hugs me "thank you babe" she says as I kiss the side of her head

"You're welcome butterfly" I say and she giggles making my smile widen as my girlfriend is feeling better so I have done my job

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