Five years

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It's been five years since I last saw them all and what a long five years it has been and within those years I've had a few bad experiences since then and I've changed... A lot... Mentally and physically

I lost my site in my left eye due to hydra agents trying to capture me and I got sliced across the eye but I also got captured back then and now I have powers... Not all is fun and games through... There dark and scary but I've learnt to deal with them, no one came for me when I was capture so the Avengers really don't care about me no more which I guess is just pay back for everything I had done and things that I never told them...

I remember the day I left like it was yesterday when Natasha hit me and told me I'm a coward for backing down against Thanos in Wakanda and letting the snap happen... I couldn't do anything and it needed to happend so the end game would come and I could save them so... Here I am back at the compound after five years with a mask on hiding my face so they don't know it's me yet but they will... Soon... Very soon...

"Who are you?" Bruce or big Hulky Bruce asks me and I know I have to tell them at some point as everyone one is looking at me even Scott "yeah what is your name?" Scott aks making me sign deeply before I lift my left hand to the back of my mask and unclip it and take it off and look at them all "y/n" they all says in union with shocked, stunned and confused expressions not knowing that it was me all along just standing next to them after five full years

I keep my stern expression while looking at them "what happened to you?" Nat asks refering to my left eye seeing the scar on it so I look at her directly, I don't say anything as I keep a blank and cold expression that I've worn for years but this isn't the y/n they last saw or know I've changed dramatically "where have you been?" Steve ask making me roll my eyes before I take a few steps back and turn around walking away "hey, y/n!" Bruce tried to call me back but I keep walking and not long after I leave the room I hear foot steps jogging after me and I walk out of the entrance of the building "y/n wait!" I know who's voice that is which makes my heart ache hearing it

"Hey stop" she says with a bit of desperation in her tone as I feel her hand on my shoulder making me tense up and stop walking as I grab her hand and twist it but she is the Black Widow so she easily get out of it and steps back looking at me in disbelief of my actions but I keep a stern emotionless look on my face "you don't get to touch me" I say with nothing but bluntness in my tone as well as my eyes and she shakes her head lightly but she did hit me last time she was in front of me so I don't want her touching me after that experience

"What the hell happened to you? You're not the y/n I use to know" she says making me huff "well I tell you what Sherlock, you are unbelievable" my tone stays the same as it has been for years as well as my expression "the old y/n fell down a well" I add making her frown "I miss the old y/n" she says making me raise an eyebrow "many will... She was easier to kill" I look away from her and start walking again but she follows me walking beside me

"Just tell me what happened" she says keeping pace with me as I lift my mask and put it back on clipping it in place and once I do that I lower my hands "not like you actually care, you're just being nosey... So stay out of my business, Widow" I say firmly and go to fly off but I see her react for my mask making me dodge and look at her and see her trying again so I grab her wrist before it can touch me but she uses her other hand so I use my other hand and squeeze her wrists a bit harshly losing some of my self control as I put on leg behind her heel and step forward using my body to force her to fall as I let go of her wrists and look down at her as she looks up with a bit of surprise in her expression seeing that one of the most basic moves took her down to the floor as I know she never expected this from he old y/n s this just proves how much I have changed

"I'm not being nosey y/n, I care for you and always have done... What the fuck happen?" She never really swore unless she meant what she was saying and I step back as she stands up looking at me... "Hmm" should I tell her? Well it might hurt her feelings... Screw it... "I died is what happened..." I tell her making her frown and it take a moment for the to respond "w-who?... Who killed you?" She asks making me huff and shake my head... She is clueless... "You did" I inform her and she seems confused and taken back so I start walking away leaving her there as she didn't follow me this time around fortunately for me

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