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"They say if you drink 5 glasses of milk it will make you strong" I speak up our of the blue thinking out loud not knowing I'm speaking my thoughts out loud making everyone look at me seeing I'm spaced out so they know that I don't know I'm speaking my thoughts out loud

"So if you drink 5 glasses of milk and try to move a wall it won't move" I continue and they looks at me confused

"But if you drink 5 glasses of vodka" I pause "the wall will move on its own" I finish and Wanda laughs a little and nod agreeing making me come out of my spaced out mood and look around at them "sometimes I wonder what goes on in that mind of yours but other times... I'm to afraid to know" Steve says making me look at him and him saying his makes me realize I said that out loud

"You don't want to know" I say looking him dead in the eyes "I get the weirdest thoughts at night time to be aware, you have been warned" I say truthfully

"It's days time and that came to you mind?" Nat asks making me look at her and nod and then smile

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