Autistic Rescue

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I sneak up behind the last hydra agent that is holding a gun at my two favourite people who are being held captive in a cell weapon less and powerless but I use the taser I found on the other unconscious agent behind me and zap the guy in front of me as he shakes and makes werid noises before falling to the floor unable to move "y/n" I hear two voices at once with a hint of surprise making me look to see Wanda and Nat looking at me holding the taser that I had just used "hi" I say with a little awkward but soft tone as I then bend down and grab the keys off of the now unconscious agent and walk over to the cell and unlock the cell door setting them free

"You just... Saved us" Wanda says with a shocked expression as they both get out of the cell and I just nod with a little hum confirm that I did just save them from getting shot "you really are full of surprises" Nat says as I look around the place but then hear foot step far down the hall "three other agents are coming from that direction" I say and point to the door on my left side without looking over at it so Nat grabs the gun of the unconscious agent on the floor and aims at the door as I walk over to Wanda as she can't use her powers due to the collar around her neck but I lift my hands and with a bit of my high functioning autistism I manage to take it off her with no problem as I saw how it could be faulty and how to over write it making her look at me with an impressed look on her face as I take it off her neck and into my hand but she then quickly uses her powers as the agents get to the door raising their guns as Nat shoots at them managing to hit one

The other two get thrown against the wall behind them with Wanda's red misty powers disarming them in the process and knocking them out from the force as they drop to the floor I throw the collar to the floor and put the taser away incase I might need it again as I don't like guns I don't do well with them never have done but tasers I like as they don't kill people like guns do

"Come on let's get out of here" Nat says making me frown "wasn't that the original plan?" I ask making them both look at me as Wanda chuckles lowly "yes now come on" Wanda says putting her hand out for me so I take hold of it as she pulls me out of the room with Nat following behind watching our six as we escape from this place

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