Couple therapy

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"You look each other in the eyes and you say what you love about each other" Wanda is trying to help me and Nat as we haven't been getting along lately...

"Can't we just say? we got to look at each other for this?" Nat asks as she isn't really the type for couples therapy but Wanda gives her a look so we both face each other "you ready?" I ask and she nods as Wanda then tells Nat to go first "got it... We're on" Nat says mostly to herself "come on" Wanda says after not hearing Nat speak

"Urm..." Nat looks around before looking back at me "I love your sense of humour" she says making me smile because I didn't know she loved it but I did know she liked it as I always made her smile at one of my stupid little bad sometimes dirty jokes

"You do?" I ask and she nods "all of it?" I ask making her smile but nod again "every... dirty bit of it" she says as I smile looking at her "I love your uhh... stories" she adds witch I'm happy about "yeah, they can go on long but I try to finish them" I say looking down at my lap "always entertaining" she says and yeah they are I suppose

"And I love how you secretly have a..." her voice becomes almost a whisper but she speaks clearly "huge heart... that's filled with kindness... and humility," she says but she is missing one big factor "blood?" I say making her huff a little but nod "yes I'm sure there is blood too" she said with a sweet smile and I can see that our bond is mending already

"I don't know..." she clears her throat "I just uhh think that you're a really nice person and I really like..." she pauses again lifting her eyes up to mine "I really love spending time with you," she says with a soft tone as we gaze into one another's eyes "that's the deal right there, yeah game over?" I ask looking at Wanda but she tilts her head "Y/n" she says meaning no...

I look back at Nat "oh game back on ok..." I say and see Nat smiling while waiting for me to take my turn "uhh... You know what I love?" I say and look up at her as I speak "how you just do everything for everyone else and you never expect anything back... In fact, when I say thank you I don't know, do you hear that or not?" I ask as she does so much for such little in return...

I see her tilt her head as I speak as Wanda has a proud look on her face "it's cute and I love uhh.." I stop and think about what else I love about her "I just love..." I pause again not knowing if I should say that I love her so I think of something else "you know you're the only person I've never lied to in my life" I change thoughts "I swear to god" I say as I looked like she didn't believe me but it is true "I just trust you more then anyone in the world" I tell her but I'm looking my hands as I speak as I'm too nervous to look up at her right now but I do hear movement but not from me or Nat so it must be Wanda

"You know every secret about me," I say and I hear her laugh lightly making me look up and see that smile...

"I love your smile so much," I say as I really do love it ad she has no idea how much... "that smile is the magic... When I'm on missions all I think about is 'alright another 20 more minutes and I get to see the smile'..." I see she is looking at me with this look in her eyes but I look down

"It's just like... It's what starts my day that smile of yours" I tell her as I didn't even know Wanda had left the room while I was speaking at some point but I feel Nat moving and coming closer to me as I then feel her grab my face and pull me into a soft and delicate kiss that I kiss back into

I think it is safe to say that Wanda is a good couple therapist.

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