I Wonder Why

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"So tell us why?!" Tony shouts making me sign getting fed up with them all saying the same things

"What's going on?" Nat asks as she walks in with Wanda next to her said and I stand up grabbing their attention

"They say girls are too emotional and dramatic because of the way we act..." I start off and my girlfriend frown at my words but listen to what I have to say

"I mean if I say no to someone we've being to uptight but if I say yes I'm letting myself go, if we don't wear make-up that means we're being lazy and they asked if it's that time of month..." I pause and Nat crosses her arms listening as Wanda looks at Nat and then back at me

"But if I do I'm doing it for attention... If I don't have the perfect body with the perfect curves then I don't fit today's society..." I continue and Wanda comes over to me but I don't stop as I look at the boys

"But if I do I can't show it off or else they're calling me desperate... You want the girl with the perfect hair, the perfect face, the perfect body but you need to remember... she can't be obeast and she can't be anorexic she needs to be perfect!" I was made at them for having such high standards for girls to be picture perfect so I'm letting them at a piece of my mind

"But perfect isn't a word... Perfect doesn't exist no one is perfect and at the end of the day when you asked me 'why are you so insecure?'... I wonder why... 'Why don't you show your face on FaceTime?'... I wonder why... 'Why don't you send pictures of your face?'... I wonder why..." I say finally calming down a little

"I really do." I say as they all look down with a shameful look on their faces and guilt in their eyes with regret on their faces

"How about you can judge us but only when you're perfect" I finish and walk away from them all to blow off some steam.

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