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(A/n this one is sad so skip if you don't wanna be sad)

Why haven't I told them? Well I was going to but every time I do they tell me to shut up, leave or that they are busy and that it isn't the right time so... I never told them... It's gotten worse... Even my depression has too so I haven't even bothered to get treatment for the cancer...

I'm close to stage three now that means I'm on stage two and well I can feel it... I'm getting weaker by the day... I know that some point they will find out or maybe they won't and I'll get to go peacefully but I'm pretty sure they will know before it's my time... Would I ever change anything if I knew this was going to be the way I was going to go? No... Well... Maybe I don't know yet but I know that my heart only beats for the woman I love even if I haven't told them how I feel and probably never will

I cough harshly losing all the air in my lungs as I struggle to breath as my lungs feel like they are on fire and like there about to explode from the lack of oxygen but soon enough I'm able to take a breath as the coughing calms down but the blood I coughed up is in the sink below me and I look up at myself in the mirror seeing how bad I look I frown upon my pale face and dark eyes and I've gotten skinny too

I lightly shake my head looking down before I finish getting ready for another day in this hell I live on but I walk out my room as soon as I am done and walk down stairs to find the Avengers talking among themselves "morning" my voice is raspy and I see Wanda turn and look over at me and smile but it soon fades seeing the state I am in "hey, are you okay?" She asks making Natasha turn her head and look over at me "yeah... I'm fine" no I'm not I hurt like hell and feel like I'm dying but hey that's not even a lie but I walk away not even caring to get breakfast as that wouldn't help me live any longer than what I have left but I hey hoe it's the way life goes...


"I'm sorry to tell you this y/n but... You have entered stage three..." My doctor tell me making me lower my head but nod confirming that I have been listening to them "may I ask, why didn't you get the treatment as soon as you found out?" They ask making me lift my head as I get off the medical bed in their office and look at them "because I have no reason to continue on... I haven't go anyone or anything to live on for plus..." I pause as I walk over to them and place a hand on their shoulder "I think it's my time to go... And I'm ready" I say truthfully and pat thier shoulder twice before leaving with a "thank you Dr" before I leave the room with the paper work in hand which is my medical documents

-back at the tower-

I walk out of the elevator and start walking down the hall feeling a bit light headed all of a sudden so I hold onto the wall for support as it starts to get hard to breath so I lean against it taking a breath and closing my eyes trying to get rid of the dizziness and drowsiness "y/n?" I hear making me open my eyes and look around to find Nat walking over to me with a concerned look on her face so I smile "hey Nat" I say like nothing is wrong but she doesn't budge but doesn't say anything about me looking as bad as I do

"Meeting room now" she says so I just nod and follow her and we enter a room with all of the Avengers but not Fury... "When is Fury getting here?" I ask thinking that this is nothing meeting for a mission but they all are looking at me with this saddened look on thier faces... Okay?... Damn... Who died? "Why didn't you tell us?" Wanda asks making me frown woundering what's going on "what?" I ask visibly confused until Tony slides some paper work across the table making me look down as I pick it up and see my old medical documents... Oh... So they finally found out aye?...

"Stage two cancer" Natasha says making me lowly chuckle as I put the paper work down "this is funny to you?" Tony says making me look at him "yeah kinda..." I say with a slight smile and I see Nat shake her head at this reaction "because you're all out of date" I say as I put my hand in my pocket taking out my new documents and throw it on the table "I've upgraded if you will, leveled up to stage three" I tell them and I see Wanda look away with tears in her eyes as the rest don't know what to say or do in this moment and Clint takes the medical documents to see if I'm telling the truth and Thor look over at him seeing that I am infact speaking honestly to them

"Why didn't you tell us?" Steve asks making me huff and shake my head in disbelief "really? You think I didn't try?" My voice turns a little harsh "I tried tell you all multiple times but you all shut me out and basically told me to get lost..." I pause as I can feel the tears forming in my eyes "I don't get it, why are you all acting like this... It's not like you actually care about me" I tell them as I then clench my teeth together and look down knowing that I am not in a mood for their pity and sorrow "y/n of course we car-" "no!" I cut them off "no you don't... I'm dying and you're lying to me..." They could hear the hurt in my voice as my eyes are glossy

I look back up at them all "all I want now..." I take a breath as they are all looking at me waiting for me to continue with what I am saying "is to die in peace" I say and lick my dry lips "that's all I want" I start to back up blinking away the tears in my eyes before leaving the room and storming down the hall back to my room where my death bed awaits me...

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